(Refarance: http://saintlad.com/slow-internet-on-windows-10/)

There are a few simple tweaks you can make to fix your slow internet on Windows 10 and I’ll show you step-by-step on how you can do that within a few seconds.

1. Close the Peer to Peer Update Process on Your Computer

I actually did this when I first got my laptop which came with Windows 10, and let me say it did have a great effect on my internet speed.

You see, Windows sends your internet bandwidth to be shared with complete strangers that you have never met in your life.

The part which bugs me the most is that, they do this without no initial permission from you, and this sharing of internet is meant for seeding (you’ll know how this works if you’re a torrent user) but I’ll explain to you anyway.

Basically seeding is kinda like a way to help others get their Windows updates much faster but it comes at a price of your own internet.

I am not completely sure why Microsoft does this but it could be that they want both you and I, Windows users, to get our updates faster and stay up to date to prevent all kinds of bugs and malware from infecting the computer.

I’ll show you how you can disable that in just a few little steps.

Step 1: To start off, Click Start and then go ahead type Settings to open it.

Step 2: Next select Update and Security

Step 3: Now click on Advanced Options

Step 4: You’re almost there! Click on Choose How Updates are Delivered.

Step 5: Finally, go ahead and turn off the On button.

Now you no longer need to send your own precious internet for complete strangers around you.

2. Quit your background apps

When you have apps running at the back like your Spotify or Skype whilst you are researching on how pigs can fly (don’t ask me why I thought of that), your internet will slow down.

So quit from all your background apps, and I can assure you, your internet will be much faster.
Some of the apps that take up a lot of your internet whilst it runs in the background include

Torrent Applications
Antivirus (Virus Database Update)
EA Origin
Cloud Sharing Applications

Find out which of your apps take up most of your Internet

Here’s how you can see which of your apps take up most of the internet and how to turn it off.

Step 1: Start off by right-clicking the Windows Taskbar. Open Task Manager. (You can also search on your computer or ask cortana on Windows 10)

Step 2: Once you’re in your Task Manager’s menu, click on the Performance tab.

Step 3: Now click on Open Resource Monitor from the bottom part of the window.

Step 4: Lastly, click on the Network tab and check for all your apps or services that have a high number of send and receive requests.

The way it works is, the higher the number, then it shows that these apps or services are taking a chunk of your internet bandwidth.

Quitting your Apps

Since now you have an idea or sort of which of the apps or services that takes up most of your internet, you can now get onto disabling them.

Here’s how you can do that in just two little steps.

Step 1: Click on Start and then select your Settings

Step 2: Next click on Privacy, and then Background apps. Here’s where you can turn Off for the apps and services that feed off your internet.

3. Disable Windows Update

I’ll be honest with you, this method works like a charm.

“b-b-but wait jake, doesn’t this leave my computer more likely to be affected by bugs and viruses.”

Yeah I know what you’re saying because I asked the very question myself.

The thing is, you don’t really have to disable it altogether, you can still manually ask it to send you notifications so that you can choose when you want to update your Windows 10.

Here’s how can adjust the Windows Update settings to your comfort.

Step 1: Go to Start, look for your Control Panel

Step 2: Head over to your Administrative Tools

Step 3: Here’s where you can find and get to your Services. Once you’re in your Services window, scroll down to Windows Update and turn it off.

Step 4: To turn it off, all you have to do is just right click on it, and then select Properties.

Step 5: Now Disable it from inside your Properties, and Voila! You’ve just disabled your Windows Updates (Don’t worry just follow these 5 simple steps and you can re-enable it back whenever you want to)

Note from Jake

It is important that you keep up to date with your Windows updates whenever you can as each update brings new and better ‘stuff’ that you might like actually!

The thing you have to keep note is whenever you turn it back on again and when you open your Windows Update in your settings to check for the latest updates, you will find a message saying that the updates were not installed because computer was stopped.

It’s pretty much a piece of cake from here, just keep clicking on Retry so that all your available updates are installed and up to date. Chances are if you left it disabled for some time then it will take two or three times (or maybe more) to Check for Updates until your computer says it is up to date.

4. Use CCleaner

You might have installed some third party software which might have promised you that it could increase your internet speed, or block all viruses and malware for free, instead it does completely the opposite.

Yeah they their names could go on such as ‘Windows utilities’, ‘cleaners’ or ‘tweaks’ but it is best to not trust these programs and they’re just (what’s the word I’m looking for again…) oh yeah, CRAP.

A good trusted program like Piriform CCLeaner which is tried, tested and certified by both Microsoft and Norton can remove all your trash, temporary files and browser history so they don’t eat up your hard drive space.

Besides if one quarter of the world is using this to clean up their computers, so why not give that a try?

5. Uninstall OneNote

Ever used Microsoft’s OneNote?

If you just said yes, you’re great!

If you’re like me who just minimised this page, and actually went and took a look at OneNote after 5 years being a Windows user and thinking all this time that it was a spyware that Obama and the FBI boys is using to watch me, then you’re a paranoiac idiot.

It’s basically just a note taking app from Microsoft, just like Evernote or Bear and it does what it does which is collect and organize not just one note(pun intended) but all your notes.

If you are not planning to use Microsoft’s note taking app (unless if your school teacher is forcing you too), then you can uninstall it and see if it has any effect on your internet speed as some have reported that this was the main problem that caused their internet to be slow.

Here’s how you can uninstall OneNote in just a matter of seconds.

Step 1: First, go to your Start and then look for PowerShell.

Step 2: Next, right click on the app and then choose to Run as administrator.

Step 3: You will now have a new PowerShell window. Trust me it’s pretty simple all you have to do is just copy-paste this command and hit enter.

Remove OneNote with a PowerShell command Get-AppxPackage *OneNote* | Remove-AppxPackage

Annnd you’re done!

6. Disable Windows Auto-Tuning feature

I know what you’re thinking,

“What the heck is this Windows Auto-Tuning feature?”

Well it is actually a feature that you can find on Windows 10 that improves your computer’s performance for your programs by receiving TCP data (short for Transmission Control Protocol) over a network.
Think of it as a conversation that your programs are having between them, and in which they send small chunks of data with each other. That’s TCP for you.

So what you should do is, you are to going to want to be a dickhead and go interrupt their conversation, because with them busy talking, it takes up a lot of your internet which then leads to your slow internet on Windows 10.

The way you can do that is just simply by turning off the button for the Windows Auto-Tuning feature, which by default is already turned on.

I’ll show you how you can do that.

Step 1: Go ahead and press on your keyboard Windows key + X and then select Command Prompt(Admin).

Step 2: Next, type the command netsh interface tcp show global in the window.

Step 3: Now you are going to check for Receive Window Auto-Tuning Level and if you find that it is set to normal, then you will need to disable it.

Step 4: Finally, again type another command netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled to disable it.

There you have it!

Note from Jake

You can check to see whether this has improved your internet speed by performing an internet speed test.

If it doesn’t, then you can always re-enable Windows Auto-Tuning level back just by typing in the command netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal in the Command Prompt (Admin).

7. Disable Firewall

Now I have been hearing that AVG Firewall actually blocks your internet, I don’t know if that’s true, but you can always check by disabling your firewall, and seeing whether your internet gets any faster or not.

Step 1: Just go ahead onto your Start and type firewall in your search to see if you have any other firewall programs on your computer turned on.

Try disabling and reenabling it to see whether your internet speed gets any better as this might be what’s causing a slow internet on Windows 10.

8. Disabling Large Send Offload (LSO)

This is another one of the features that you might find on Windows 10 and again it is meant to improve your overall network performance of your system (it’s pretty similar to the Windows Auto-Tuning level feature that you just saw above), but it does come at a price.

Your LSO forces your background apps (which includes your Skype, Spotify, etc.) to use up a large amount of your internet whilst you’re doing something else on your computer.

I’ll show you how you can disable it (you can re-enable it anytime).

Step 1: Go ahead and open Start and then right-click on your Computer

Step 2: Next, select Properties

Step 3: Now from your Control Panel, click on Device Manager

Step 4: Here you will be able to see all your devices listed, but for now you will only need to expand your Network Adapters.

Step 5: Next, look for your Network Card and then double click on that.

Step 6: You’re almost there! Now select the Advanced tab and then go ahead and select Large Send Offload V2 (IPv4).

All you have to do here is set the value to Disabled.

Step 7: Do the exact same that you just did for Large Send Offload V2 (IPv6) (that is if, it is available).

Step 8: Click OK and you’re done!

9. Update Your Network Drivers

Sometimes whenever you upgrade to a new Windows, especially if you just upgraded to your new Windows 10, unwanted errors that has got to do with your drivers could now and then pop up.

The reason could be that your drivers are outdated, lost, or you just might have the wrong network drivers on your computer, so it’s always good to check up on this (even if you’re not having any problems).

A great tool you can use is Driver Talent and you don’t need to do a thing as it matches your computer to the right drivers and it downloads them automatically in just two minutes. Oh did I tell you it’s free too?

I have included a great guide for you to follow up on this.

10. Adjust the Internet Bandwidth Settings

So I’m guessing none of the above methods did the trick huh?

It’s alright! you still have this method to go, and if you still need any help then you can comment down below and I’ll be with you in a second or two.

I’ll let you on a little secret…

Your Windows actually keeps away 20 percent of your Internet bandwidth just for its OS and other system-related ‘stuff’.

What does this mean?

Well, since you only have the remaining 80 percent for you to use, you can actually get back that 20 percent for you to use.

Here’s how you can do that in just six simple steps.

Step 1: Go ahead and get the Run window up by clicking on Windows key+R key on your keyboard. (You can also search for it on your computer)

Step 2: Type gpedit.msc in the search box and then press OK.

Step 3: Alright! Now you will find that the Group Policy window will come up, so what you have to do here is just click on Computer Configuration

Step 4: Next go to Administrative Templates, then Network, and lastly QoS Packet Scheduler. Once you’re here click on Limit reservable bandwidth

Step 5: Now in the new window that comes up, all you have to do is just two things. First choose Enabled and then change the Bandwidth limit (%) from 100 to 0.

Step 6: Make sure that you Apply these new changes that you just made and then click on OK.

That’s it!

Gift this monster guide for your family & friends and you’ll make their day.

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